Building community.Seeing potential.
The Benworth Family Office invests in opportunities left behind by banks. The family of companies delivers alternative lending solutions to individuals and businesses.
We believe in our loan products because we believe in people and their aspirations. Since our founding in 2008, we have proudly become a top provider of alternative loans in Florida with national expansion through digital channels for certain loan types.

Benworth Financial LLC
Second mortgages.
A licensed consumer finance company.

Benworth Capital Partners LLC
Real estate secured private loans.
A licensed mortgage lender.

Presto Payday LLC
Cash advance and payday loans.
A licensed consumer finance company.

SBABizHelp & SBAAyuda
Paycheck Protection Program Loans.
Authorized by the SBA and U.S.
Department of the Treasury as a nonbank lender.

Benworth Financial LLC
Second mortgages.
A licensed consumer finance company.

Presto Payday LLC
Cash advance and payday loans.
A licensed as a consumer finance company.

Benworth Capital Partners LLC
Real estate secured private loans.
A licensed mortgage lender.

SBABizHelp & SBAAyuda
Paycheck Protection Program Loans.
Authorized by the SBA and U.S.
Department of the Treasury as a nonbank lender.
The Benworth Family Office invests in alternative loan products originated, funded, and serviced by a family of companies that it owns and operates.
Benworth Family Values
Our core principles guide
our decisions.

We see the potential in people and their visions. We value ambitious, innovative approaches while staying true to our tested and proven methodologies.
We have a simple obligation: deliver consistent, positive returns to our investors.
We adhere to a philosophy that binds our processes with an unwavering passion to pursue possibility.
Bernie Navarro
For Bernie Navarro, the son of Cuban immigrants, the Freedom Tower in downtown Miami is more than a symbol of new beginnings: it’s part of his history. Bernie recalls hearing how his grandparents would visit the building to obtain paperwork and dietary supplements.